Saturday, January 2, 2016

I Love QAYG Blocks.

 After spending the morning cleaning up the multitude of scraps in the sewing room, I took the afternoon to play with more QAYG blocks. I love these blocks as they turn quite ho-hum scraps into lovely quilts. Adding the binding strips ties them in together so I can use blocks donated from many different quilters, combine them with my own and still make pretty quilts. I love that the only decisions I make when stitching the scraps into blocks are whether I have already used that fabric in the block and whether it is long enough to cover the batting. If I'm running out of longer strips I stitch several together lengthwise and they still look good.
     I do love quilts which are color co-ordinate and intend to make some like that but you can't beat just picking up random scrappy strips for constructing blocks quickly. Stitching in front of the AC was the best place to be this afternoon and this evening I relaxed with some of my hand stitching. The pile of donation quilts is growing thanks to all of you who have sent QAYG blocks. I am already at 20 for Impact and wanted to have 25 to deliver in early Feb. I might even have more finished but I also have some tops to quilt for my Melbourne group to donate as well as a couple of mine which are ready for quilting.
  Anyway it's a very good start to the year before I get busy with family commitments like our DD's wedding. Thanks for stopping by.
Hugs, Jan Mac


  1. Great progress on getting those blocks together.

  2. I read every entry you post and I never tire of seeing your wonderful string block quilts come together. Please blog on. Happy New Year, dear.
