Sunday, December 20, 2015

What A Difference.

 Last night I quilted until 11 pm as it was reasonably comfortable in front of the fan. Today was even hotter with temperatures of 43C (109.4F) at 11 am and after last night's sewing I was a bit slow getting things done today but I did finally get the binding sewn on the top I quilted last night.
   This was a larger quilt top which had been donated and I split it into two smaller pieces as it was too large for a donation quilt. I planned to add borders to make them large enough for older children and it's surprising what a difference adding a border makes to a quilt, especially a scrappy quilt. You can see the difference between the finished quilt and the second top. I think I'll add a red border to that one as it has more red in it. I like adding borders to most quilts as I think it frames the quilt or I often add them to make them a more functional size.
      When I stitched the binding I also found a small quilt, backed with flannel, which just needed binding so I got that one finished as well and it will be donated to a local hospital for a baby.
The hexagons are the hand stitching I have been working on when it's too hot to sit at the sewing machine. They are half inch hexagons and I'm enjoying working with them.
      Today was so hot with very strong and hot winds so we are relieved that there were no Bushfires and a cool change has arrived. I'm working nights again now so there won't be much happening other than work and lots of sleeping, but I have made good progress with the pile of quilts for the next delivery.
Hugs, Jan Mac


  1. The green border looks great -- really ties all those scraps together.

  2. I agree, the green border was an excellent choice.

  3. What a differents it make with the green border .love it /Love he bayquilt with the bear .
    hugs Marijke
