Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Slow Progress But At Least It's Progress.

 I'm slowly starting to do a bit of stitching as I'm tired of not doing much other than reading. At least I am finally feeling a little better and the cough is lessening.
   Good news is that I have quilted and bound a cute donated quilt. I've also been doing some hand stitching on one of my UFOs. As long as I rest in between doing some jobs I am doing OK so I hope to be back in full production soon.
   In the meantime, thanks for stopping by.
Hugs, Jan Mac


  1. Pleased you are feeling better Jan..
    Such a cute girly quilt.

  2. Glad you feel you can see some improvement. I can empathize with you, Jan. I'm on the other side of the world but trying to feel better from exactly the same problems. Well over two weeks now and I would say that I am at about the same stage as you. Love the donation quilt, so cute. Sun Bonnet Sue's are my favourite.

  3. lovely girly quilt Jan .I,m happy that your, feeling a bit better .
