Monday, December 28, 2015

A UFO Day.

 The magic cupboard has been hiding, or containing some donated bits and pieces and I found these lovely Fan blocks stashed in a bag. There were 22 finished blocks and 20 fans which still needed to be stitched to the background. I also found some matching navy fabric as well as some floral fabric in similar tones. I un-stitched the navy and floral strips and will use them either for the second Fan quilt from these blocks, or in another project.
     I pressed and trimmed the blocks so they are all the same size of 12 inches and joined them in a setting of 4 by 5 which will make another lovely quilt to be donated to Impact. I will finish the other Fan blocks as well but will concentrate on getting this top quilted first.
      I do love to finish off donated UFOs and donate them to where they can bring comfort to those in need. Many thanks for trusting me with your donations and UFOs which I'm happy to finish and donate on your behalf.
Hugs, Jan Mac

1 comment:

  1. Happy new year Jan and Ray .lovely fanquilt .
    I have an ufo fan quilt and hope to finish it the coming year.
    There are so much new patterns to make before you finnished the other one.
