Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Shenandoah Valley Botanical Album Quilt of 1858

Shenandoah Valley Botanical Album Quilt of 1858 Shenandoah Valley Botanical Album Quilt

The original quilt is part of the Virginia Quilt Museum Collection.
The purpose of this blog is to offer a monthly Sew Along to raise awareness of this special quilt and to help fund the VA Quilt Museum. The sale of every pattern is directly contributed to the museum.
These patterns are for personal use ONLY. The copy and distribution of this quilt in any form is prohibited without written permission from the VA Quilt Museum.
   The blog is found at http://svbotanicalquilt.blogspot.com.au/
It's time for a change from illness. I've been to the Dr again and now have more heavy duty antibiotic medication to try and as I'm sick of being sick, it's time foir a change of focus. I am joining in with this blog and will endeavour to catch up as the BOM stitch along started on Oct 1st. I bought the pattern online and downloaded it. I have enlarged mine to 141% of the original so my blocks will be 12 inches square.
Come along and join us. You know you want to.
Hugs, Jan Mac


  1. Oh, another blogger is making this popular quilt! You're right I would love to join in but too many other things on the go - I'll just have to enjoy watching you and others make this one. Sorry to hear you are not well, take care and get better soon.

  2. Great choice for your block size! It's a very pretty quilt. So glad you are joining in too!

  3. I.m sorry to hear that your still not well .Hope the medicin will do the job .
    What a beautiful quilt is this .i ordered the pattern by mail and printed it
    A nice job for the long winter .hugs Marijke

  4. I would love to join also, but determined to use all my stash in scrap quilts before I buy a new lot to start something as beautiful as that quilt. Do the 2 boxes in Amsterdam that I bought count, no I don't think so.
