Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Super Fast Binding and Piping With Melody Crust.

 Yesterday was very busy as I took a class in the afternoon as well. I've been binding quilts for years but you can always learn new skills and I wanted to use piping on a special quilt. Melody also shared some of her quilts during the class and that's always great fun to share the work of other quilters.
   The piece I brought to bind was from a class I took a few years ago. We were supposed to learn about different textile mediums and how to use them to enhance our work. We were allowed to use the tutor's textiles paints and Shiva sticks etc but there was very little instruction provided and I was very disappointed at the wasted opportunity. To me it looked like Hobbytex so It sat in the cupboard until,I need a prepared small quilt to bind. I enjoyed the class and found it easy to stitch and make the piping. I would have achieved a more invisible finish if I used a finer, color matched thread and my own machine as I found it difficult to slow down the speed using the foot pedal.
    I'll probably donate this as a small quilt for a child's doll and it does count as another UFO finish for me so it's a win-win.
Hugs, Jan Mac

1 comment:

  1. You have been busy looking and learning new things.. Always love the peeper binding...Quick and easy..
