Wednesday, August 19, 2015

It's Almost Spring.

 Time for another QAYG quilt for homeless teens and I only have one more to make before I can deliver them. They needed 10 and I have 9 finished. I've been making more QAYG blocks as well as the pile is almost depleted.
   It's been a cold winter by our standards and it was a severe frost and minus 3 C this morning.  We're still lighting our log fire so today we had to cut some more wood. It's good exercise but thankfully this should be the last cut for this winter. We don't like to stockpile too much as it can become a good hiding place for snakes in summer.
     You can see we've had quite a wet winter and our water tanks are almost full and we are surrounded by green grass. Now it's time to put my feet up and stitch some hexies if I can stay awake.
Hugs, Jan Mac


  1. Oh yes it has been freezing on our travels Jan even in so called sunny Qlds.
    You have made lots of lovely snuggley quilts. I especially love the dinosaur and car ones..

    Do you still need QAYG blocks? Could do some for you when we get back home in a few weeks. Have plenty of scraps....

  2. No need for watering the grass for a long time Jan .
    we had every thing this summer ,heatwave, cold, a lot rain .a big storm .
    so I did a lot quilting.
