Friday, August 28, 2015

Blessing Others.

This afternoon I delivered six more QAYG quilts and two cushions to the organization which works with homeless teens. They were thrilled with them and the counselor told me she had given a quilt each to two girls who had just moved into supported accommodation. She said the girls were so happy with their lovely quilts that they were a bit overwhelmed and in tears. The counselor wanted me to know how much it meant to them.
   They also love the crocheted blankets to brighten up the group's rec room and the cushions will also make their surroundings more like home. The manager said that they had been trying to think of ways to make the teens feel at home and the donations were just what they needed.
  It's always good to hear that using up scraps of fabric and batting can bring warmth and comfort to others. I came home and made 8 more QAYG blocks as I've promised more quilts will be coming so they can have some on hand for emergencies.
Hugs, Jan Mac


  1. What a lovely post - heart warming to hear how two teenagers appreciate your gifted quilts. Keep up the good work. So rewarding to see your efforts so well received.

  2. How wonderful you could put some cheer into the girls lives.. Good on ya Jan!
