Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Side Tracked Again.

 I found my Civil War Bride blocks and decided this will be my next UFO to finish. I had already completed half of this block and it didn't take long to stitch the ostriches, although the feet were the fiddly bits to needle turn.   I need to make some more bias stems for the next block and I have already traced the next block ready for back basting so plan on getting started on that soon.
   However while I was looking for some fabric to use on another hexie project I found the cream background fabric for this UFO. I think I started it 6 years ago, using 6 inch squares from an internet swap. The theme was Oriental and I was able to get 3 stars, measuring 2 inches along each side, from each square. I had almost finished it but misplaced the cream fabric so the project stalled. I have 8 more stars to piece and then add them to the top. As the fabric is oriental the stars are multi-colored and red was the predominant color for many of them. Now I need to think about a quilting design so I can finish this project before I lose any more pieces again.
    It will be great to have another UFO finished and I must keep working on my Civil War Bride top too so that one will soon be finished. This cold weather is good for stitching as my cold is keeping me indoors too. I guess finishing another UFO is a good way to be side tracked.
 Hugs, Jan Mac


  1. Love these stars. Good to see WIPs getting finished, isn't it?

  2. Lovely to see your CWB block and I look forward to seeing what happens with all of those oriental stars. I have joined ALovely Year of Finishes which motivates me to finish a small or large goal each month - all the best for finishing your UFOs.
