Friday, July 31, 2015


 Today was special as I delivered four finished quilts to a local organization which works with homeless teens. I think teenagers get a bad rap when often the reasons they are homeless are not their fault. Sometimes it's due to mental health issues, theirs' or their adult parents', or parental drug or alcohol abuse, or extended illness or lack of housing, or even due to the death of their parent or step-parent.
     The organization was very pleased with the crocheted blankets I'd donated a few weeks ago and Peter, the Home's Director, wanted to show us around their facilities. It was very pleasing to find the 3 crocheted blankets were carefully laid on the back of the couches and one of the Counsellors said the kids really loved to wrap themselves in them when watching TV or when they just needed some quiet time. She also said that it made the room feel so much more homely and that the kids respond positively to their surroundings.
      When you can see first- hand how quilts and blankets, made from scraps of fabric, batting, or even yarn, can make secondhand furniture welcoming it's very rewarding. They currently have 10 teens living there at the moment so I pledged another 6 for them and also asked for the teens to keep their own quilt when they are able to graduate from the program and live independently. I also could see that some large and colorful cushions which I make from scraps would also add to their surroundings.
      It was also lovely that my DH was with me and could see again how much the quilts are appreciated. It might help to soften the blow for him of living in a constant quilt factory. LOL!
I have tried to cut right back on my donation quilts as I want and need to make some for my family but it's very hard to change the habits of 20 years, especially when the result benefits others.
     So I will take any donations of QAYG blocks again if anyone wants to make some from their scraps. I am very grateful for all the blocks which have been donated in the past as it means I can put quilts together and donate them in a timely manner. In fact, the QAYG quilt in this blog post was made when we came home this afternoon, so now I have another 5 to finish now.
     I am also very grateful to Sheila, Michele and Marijke for their lovely comments about the donation quilts. I have made and donated thousands, thanks to so many lovely quilters donating QAYG blocks. I only ever wrote the blog so people could see that their donated blocks etc were finished into quilts and donated on their behalf. If I have been able to inspire others to do the same, then that is a wonderful result.
     I'd better get back to the sewing machine now and get some more finishes. The last quilt is a wonderful cot quilt which was a donated top from my Melbourne quilting group. How lucky am I that I get to play with lots of lovely fabrics and warm someone with a hand-made gift as well.
     I'm very grateful to everyone who has contributed to our quilt drives as well as reading and offering supportive comments on my blog. It seems that I just can't retire from making and donating quilts and today was a lovely reminder of how special the gift of a quilt can be for those in need.
  Hugs, Jan Mac
. If you have any QAYG blocks to post, email me for my address.

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