Friday, July 3, 2015

Family Gatherings.

Before we left on our latest trip we all got together to celebrate my Dad's 90th birthday. There was lots of chatter and laughter as well all caught up with family, cuddling new babies and hearing about the family's news.
   It was also a good opportunity to hand over one of the quilts for the new babies. They had flown down from Qld and it was lovely to finally meet the newest arrival. The quilt was made in colours selected by the new mum and she was thrilled with it. Using such a limited colour palette made it difficult to find a variety of suitable fabrics but she was happy so that's all that matters.
  I didn't get the second baby quilt finished but they live locally so a finish wasn't as urgent.
  We're home again after a lovely trip which was cut short due to me getting sick and we decided to finish the Simpson Desert part of the trip when the school holidays are over. Now I'm getting over the chest infection, it's time to finish off some more UFOs and quilts to donate.
 I hope you are enjoying some warm weather wherever you live.
hugs, Jan Mac

1 comment:

  1. Lovely photo with your Dad.
    Quilt special with a name on it
