Monday, March 16, 2015

UFO Monday.

 It's only one UFO finish today but better than none. This was a donated top which was twice the current size initially. I made it smaller as most organizations need smaller quilts than one which will cover a single or double bed. I took blocks off and will make another top from them.
    I added borders, quilted it and stitched the binding, all this afternoon before I start working the next few nights. This lovely quilt will be loved by a little girl and will be donated. I still have more of my UFOs to finish as well as more from donations. I'm not going to make and donate as many as before as I need time to work on my own projects but I also want to get more finished quilts donated when time allows.
   I'd love to move closer to our children in Melbourne eventually and need to start downsizing now to motivate DH as well. Lol wish me luck
Hugs, Jan Mac

1 comment:

  1. You've made a very pretty quilt. You are wise to start down-sizing early on as then you can go steadily at the job and not be so pressurized to make decisions about things at the last moment.
