Thursday, March 26, 2015

Finally a Finish.

 It's been a busy week with not much time for stitching but other fun activities instead. I went to Melbourne on Saturday and took our youngest daughter to see the Australian Ballet Company perform Giselle. I used to go fairly often but was surprised when I realized that I haven't been to the ballet since I married. Stephanie had never been so it was a lovely mother-daughter outing, with a nice lunch beforehand. I stayed the night and then back home for more night shifts.
     I did manage to quilt this donated top before I started work on Sunday but didn't get time to bind it until tonight. This top was originally square and too wide for the groups I donate to now. I took 1 of the rows of blocks off and re-added the border on that side. I used the removed blocks for the backing. I've started re-making some of the donated tops so I can get them finished and off to their recipients. I find it better to keep them to 50 x 70 inches in size as most groups like that size, and it means I don't have to spend as much on batting. We have a family wedding this weekend and then I'm working nights again so not as much time to sew as I would like but I guess I'll have to be happy with just one finish this week.
 Hugs, Jan Mac


  1. A wonderful quilt and an even greater donation. I have to remember this as we often have simple squares donated or already just spice up the border as you have. Cute idea!

  2. lovely quilt, Jan .
    wish you a lovely weekend with the wedding.
    Hus Marijke
