Saturday, February 28, 2015

Australian Quilts of Valour.

 Yesterday I made time to have a fiddle with my quilting machine tension and it stitched beautifully. It is such a joy to use when the tension is good and such a nuisance when it isn't. I quilted the first quilt last night and the Bow Tie one today. The star quilt was made from some of my many 5 inch squares. I chose masculine colors and made it 50x70 inches, as it's a good size for an adult male.

The Bow Tie top was donated and a square shape. I took off one of the rows of Bow Ties and added it to the bottom with a few extra squares to make it fit. I added borders too and it now measures 50x70 inches.

I also pieced the backing,using up some of the fabric from my stash. It was good to get it quilted today and these two quilts will be donated to the Australian branch of Quilts of Valour. You can find more information here:
They like the quilts to be at least 50 x 70 inches in masculine colours and no floral fabrics. They also like a matching pillowcase as a way of transporting and presenting the quilt. At the moment they are delivering quilts to Vietnam Vets suffering from PTSD. It's a great way to donate to a good cause and use up some stash. I plan to finish a few more for them but also need to finish off some more of my UFOs too.
Hugs, Jan Mac

1 comment:

  1. these are nice .I love the star one .iv.e got the pattern from you and put a lot fabric together yesterday for it .My Janome is in repaire ,I had a needle broken so something went wrong and it has his yearly cleaning.hugs
