Monday, January 5, 2015

I Found Another One.

I'm still cleaning, de-cluttering and excavating my sewing room and it's great to be able to find things I'd totally forgotten about. As a consequence I'm also inspired to finish off some of my far too many UFOs. These blocks are about 20 years old and were part of an online swap. I was going to make the Tennessee Waltz pattern and make Snowball blocks as the alternate block. Of course when I swapped the blocks I was very busy with work and the blocks weren't all of the same colour pallette so they have languished in the cupboard. Also there were only 17 of them measuring 12" but then I dithered over whether or not to make more for a larger quilt. In the end I left 2 out and made a nice sized quilt with 15 of them.  I've pulled them out a couple of times and planned to finish it as a donation quilt but had others which would take less work to finish so they were put away again.
  Today was the day for a finish! I pulled them out, stitched them together, made the borders and a pieced backing. Tonight I plan to quilt it with just a simple meander. I'm pleased with how they look now they have a border and it will make a pretty quilt. It's got enough dark colours to be a masculine quilt as well so it will probably be donated but I may just keep it here for a little while and enjoy it being finished.
I used some fabric strips to make the backing wider and I'd better get off the computer and get it quilted.
Hugs, Jan Mac


  1. good morning Jan .love the pattern great for scrappys
    how much more will you find somewere?

  2. Looks great Jan! It must be so satisfying to get the quilt finished after all this time :-)
