Sunday, December 14, 2014

Time to Finish Some UFOs

I should be making the two baby quilts I have do for Christmas but I must be a free spirit because I work better if I am inspired by a project. I had also planned to stitch more applique blocks while I was on a roll with them. However, I have been spring cleaning again and found this 1940s quilt which has been waiting for the binding for 4 or 5 years. I usually get them done as soon as the top is quilted but this has a zig zag border on 2 sides and I had stitched the binding around the edges but it's not hand stitched down to finish it. I wasn't happy with how the zig zag bits worked and left it thinking I should take it off and try again. While I was tidying I was moving this quilt again and thought, you know it just needs to be done- not perfect. I am working on the hand stitching for the binding and it will be as good as i can get it and that will be OK. I'll show a photo when it's completed.
I've also stitched two more hexagons from the 1930s re-make I'm doing and I'm loving those lovely vintage fabrics.

I was going to wait until I'd made all the hexagon flowers before I joined them together but couldn't wait to see how they will look. So there you have it- I'm a side-tracked quilter this week but I am getting some UFOs finished. Actually they're not my UFOs, but a quilter from long ago but I do enjoy finishing off these pieces and giving them new life. It will be lovely to have a pink and white 1940s quilt to display instead of an unfinished top in the cupboard. I have lots more UFOs in the cupboard so I will keep working on more finishes if the inspiration lasts. Oh- and I'd betetr get those baby quilts done.
Hugs, Jan Mac


  1. The hexagons are looking beautiful Jan. I told myself at the beginning of the year - I must finish some UFO's - guess what only one. Have been too busy with my hexagons and other hand sewing. Oh well, there is always next year....

  2. Wow, you and your wonderful inspired projects! Always something beautiful and special on your blogs! This bright pink makes my heart happy this morning and so do you and your good deeds and wonderful quilting and lovely travel photos. I may not comment as much, but I still know what you're up to..naughty or nice. Happiest of Holidays to you, Jan Mac!

  3. I trye to finish all my UFO,s this winter ,Ive done 3 till now .another 8 to go .No new quilts before its done!!!!!!!!!!!!!! love the 1940 th quilt

  4. The fun part of a UFO is part of it is done, for me it makes the finish feel faster 😝. Good for you to make another pass at it. The vintage hexies are sweet! Good luck with the baby quilts!!
