Sunday, November 16, 2014

I'm On a Back Basting Roll.

 I have been making rapid progress since I've learned how to back baste to prepare for my applique blocks. I was behind with my Chester Criswell County blocks and decided to take some to back baste on the flights to the US. In the past 3 weeks I have basted and appliqued 4 blocks for this quilt as well as basting two thirds of the centre block which is equivalent to 4 blocks in the centre of the quilt.
 You can see the first blocks for the top two rows which I stitched in the US. The bottom two blocks on the right hand side of the photo are the other two I've finished and the rose stem was finished today. I took Carole's (Wheels on the Warrandyte Bus blog) idea and added rose buds to the stems to add more interest. I have another two blocks ready to be back basted so I'm quickly catching up on these blocks and I'm soon going to start stitching my Noah and Matilda blocks which I've already basted.
.I'm loving how portable this technique is for applique and I don't need to make an overlay or take a light box, just the fabric and large needle and some quilting thread.
 Stay tuned as I hope to have some more finishes very soon.
Hugs, Jan Mac


  1. You been bussyJan,I found the technique on You Tube and will try it .hugs Marijke

  2. I've done two of the CCCQ with back basting but I didn't enjoy it - I thought it took longer to finish, not quicker. I must be doing something wrong, I will have to get some pointers from you. :)

  3. Jan, your back basting appliqué is beautiful, and it is proving very productive. When you are on a good thing stick with it! And thanks for sharing your recent adventure, I am enjoying the updates.

  4. Great to see your beautiful CCCQ blocks together. I'm using the back basting technique for the oak and reel block, so glad I learnt this new technique from Brenda Papadakis.
