Friday, September 26, 2014

Dressmaking 101.

 I've been an absent blogger as I worked full time night shifts last week.Nothing much happened other than trying to get lots of sleep. Our youngest DD has visited us for the last 2 nights and I've been very busy altering clothing for her. She is a keen ballroom dancer and also at the age where there are lots of 21st birthdays. engagement parties and weddings to attend so she loves having some new clothes at low cost. In 2 days I altered 27 dresses and skirts from Op Shop purchases.
 Lots of them just need to be taken in at the side seams but some are vintage gowns and need more work to update them. I love the blog New Dress A Day and get lots of inspiration for there. Unfortunately time was short so I didn't get an "before" photos.

 I did take a photo when I was half-way through altering this vintage designer dress. The shoulders were too bulky so I removed the shoulder pads and then trimmed them down so the sweet-heart  neckline was more of a feature. I must remember to take a photo now it's finished and shortened. Some of these were marked down to $1 so we could hardly lose on that deal.
 I also found a small amount of time to work on my La Passion and I'm really pleased with the colours I've chosen. I'm working nights again for the next few nights so it will be back to bed for me now.
Hugs, Jan Mac


  1. Love what you have done with the dresses Jan. Also love Le Passion, but at the moment I have too many others on the go. But I do see it in my future.

  2. linda-koshka2quilts.blogspot.comOctober 2, 2014 at 2:21 AM

    Gosh, I think you are so clever being able to alter Charity shop finds to create lovely dresses for your daughter. She must be thrilled!

  3. You are sew very talented and prolific. I love your blog. Your op shop purchases are great - I think you must have better op shops than we have here in Newcastle. Your La Passion is to die for and inspires me to get mine started...just as soon as I finish some other projects. I have had the papers for about 4 months and started fabric selection but nothing else has managed to happen yet. Keep up the great work
