Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Vitamin Q in Amsterdam

 We had a lovely relaxing day in Amsterdam today and, as it's 5 weeks today since we left home, it was just what we needed. After visiting the Anne Frank Museum, we met up with Felicia, a lovely quilter who came in to meet us from Rotterdam. Felicia had suggested we pre-purchase our tickets to the museum too and it made it so much easier than standing in line for ages. We met up at lunchtime and had lunch with Felicia and her lovely DD, Cecilia. It was so easy to chat with them both that it didn't seem like we had just met.
  From lunch we made our way to the two patchwork shops in Amsterdam, conveniently situated next to each other! Ray was contnet to sit and people-watch while we bought some fabric which will be incorporated into my Insanity Quilt. As I stitch the fabric from Amsterdam I will always be reminded of our lovely visit. Felicia also spoilt me with some lovely fabric with a Dutch theme in blue and white as well as a beautiful piece of Dutch chintz from Petra Prins shop, as there wasn't time to visit her shop. There was also a lovely chintz quilt out the front of the Den Haan and Wagenmakers Quilt Shop.
  From there we left felicia and took a canal ride around Amsterdam. It was a very relaxing way to see the city sights and brought our lovely day to an end. Tomorrow we are off to meet another lovely Dutch quilter who also met me thoguh my blog. We are feeling very blessed to have such lovely experiences on our travels.

More to come when internet allows.
Thanks for stopping by and thank you Felicia and Cecilia for a lovely day in Amsterdam.
Hugs, Jan Mac


  1. Looks wonderful Jan - and so fortunate to link up with quilters too. I am especially envious of your visits to the Amsterdam quilt shops!

  2. can see you really enjoyed your day and so good meeting up with other bloggers.
