Saturday, March 22, 2014

Stitching, Pinning, Quilting.

 The top is finally finished and I can get it pinned and start the quilting. I only have a few days to g work on this one as I have more nights to work and I need to have it finished by next weekend- no pressure at all!
 You can see I added a triangular piece to make the borders fit before the last floral border.
 I had some koala fabric which was ideal for the backing.
 I toyed with the idea of marking and quilting a feathered design around the outer border. Then common sense asserted itself when I remembered how little time I had to get it finished. Also the dark fabric wouldn't have shown up the design enough to make all that work worthwhile. I want to practice my free motion feathers but that will have to wait for a smaller quilt when I have more time.
 The top is now pin basted and quilting has begun.
I have out-line quilted all the small Hour Glass borders and am now ready to quilt the remaining borders in the ditch before doing some sort of pattern in the wider borders. We have a family party to attend tonight but I plan to get a lot more of the quilting done before I work again tomorrow night.
 Overall I'm really happy with my progress.
Hugs, Jan Mac


  1. this is looking so very good, do hope you get to complete it, I think you have a deadline you are working too

  2. lovely colours Jan. I like the pattern
    the back fabic is lovely.
