Sunday, February 2, 2014

The Hexie Blog Project.

 It's good to know that I'm not the only recalcitrant quilter among us. I quilt for enjoyment and sometimes that means stitching on what I feel like and not on what I should be finishing. The weather has been unbearably hot again and too hot for intense quilting on my large quilt so I have started a new hand piecing project.
 There is a new 12 month stitch along with the Hexie blog and I have been cleaning out stuff again this morning and then sat and stitched the first block of the month. It's a Snowflake block from hexagons and I am making it all from stash. I found a small supply of some 1 and 1/8th inch hexagons so I'll use them and add to them from my scraps. I will use different backgrounds and this one is a mottled tan colour. The next block for February is a Heart made from hexagons. Anyone else joining in?
As it cooled down a bit last night I quilted another donation quilt from a set of blocks I'd received. I just added borders to make it larger and the donation quilt pile is slowly growing. I had planned to go to Merlbourne today, stay overnioght and attend my Melbourne quilting group's meeting but temperatures of 45 degrees has meant that I'm going to stay home and stitch in the AC instead as I have more nights to work starting again tomorrow.
  I hope you are getting some time to stitch wherever you are from.
Hugs, Jan Mac

1 comment:

  1. Hi I too am doing the challenge, picked up your blog from the hexie page and looking forward to following it
