Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Returning to Chester County

 The Winter Olympics are on which means it's a great time to escape our hot weather and spend some time stitching while watching the Olympics. My favourite is the ice dancing and I just have to stop stitching and watch when they are in progress. I have a few new BOM's that I want to start so I thought it was time to catch up on the current one I was working on- The Chester County Criswell quilt. I had only completed two blocks to date as I had a computer crash and lost most of the patterns. Luckily Sharon re-sent them to me and in the past two days I have finished stitching two more blocks. Sharon has set up a blog to share her progress with reproducing the quilt.
 The top block is the 7th in the BOM series and is listed as being from William and Harry Clendenen, in the original quilt. Sharon Barnes from Two Bits Patches has developed the blocks for the BOM which reproduces a quilt left to her from her great-great-great grandmother, Alice Carlile Criswell. Sharon has done a great job with the patterns and also provides information about the people who made the original blocks, which adds to their interest.
This is Block 9, credited to Eliza Whiteside. I just have a small keyhole piece to stitch and then I can move on to the next block. Sharon has sent out 18 blocks so far and the BOM is taking place over 2 years so I think if you were interested you could still participate. I'm not working on them in order but getting them done is more important on which ones I stitch first and I am selecting blocks I think would be fun to stitch while I keep an eye on the Olympics.
 Is anyone else having a Stitch-a-thon while the Winter Olympics are on? I'm also planning our trip to Europe and UK now so busy in between working and sleeping.
PS. Margaret I'm not sure if we are coming through Leeds but we will be heading north to the Lake District and through to Scotland. I haven't planned that part yet.
Hugs, Jan Mac

1 comment:

  1. Welcome back Jan!! The Chester Criswell Quilt has just passed the halfway mark so there are plenty of blocks left to explore. Nice to see your blocks, you do such lovely work.
