Friday, February 21, 2014

Chester County Progress.

 I've been enjoying re-visiting my Chester County Criswell blocks and have finished another one and half finished one. I am making my blocks to be 10" finished as I didn't want as much blank space around the applique and I'm happy with how they are looking so far.
I'm off to bed again as I have more nights to work so no stitching for a bit. I have enjoyed watching the ice dancing while I stitched and have done some more decluttering with lots more cupboards being emptied.I still have lots of magazines to go through before I donate the ones I no longer need.
Cheers, Jan Mac


  1. these blocks are working really well. Like you I have been going through magazines and nearly 100 are going to a friend of my daughter`s, good to know someone will use them

  2. Thanks Margaret. Doesn't it feel good to have some space on the shelves.
    Hugs, Jan Mac

  3. It's so nice to see your CCCQ blocks, love you fabric choices.

  4. Thanks Carole. It's been great to finally get some time to catch up on the blocks.
    Hugs, Jan
