Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Working on My Heart's Desire

 Did I tell you that I love, love, love hand applique. My favourite method is needle-turn and I love how relaxing it can be to sit and sew and not be using the sewing machine all the time. I have also found a new love of hand piecing so this current project is perfect for both my loves. I have finished the 4th block of 9 and only have one more applique block to make. If I wasn't making this to be finished for an exhibition in mid March I'd be very tempted to make this quilt much larger, so I may make these blocks again for another quilt.
This is the second hand pieced block and it will soon be ready to hand applique down to the background. My DH is loving these colours and I'm enjoying using a modern range as a change from my reproduction fabrics. I'm still sleep-deprived but plan to catch up on sleep, some more spring cleaning as well as more time to sit and stitch.
I hope you are enjoying some stitching time as well.
Hugs, Jan Mac

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