Monday, December 9, 2013

The Faces of India

 We flew home yesterday after a wonderful trip to India. The time went by much too quickly and I have so much to share with you all. I bought a new camera on the day we left and I just love it. It's a Nikon 3200D and the photo quality is great and now I just want another lens or two to allow me to take more close-ups of people and animals.
 These are some of the lovely faces I captured on film as we wandered around the towns and villages.


 The wonderful colours of the clothing worn in Rajastan are in contrast to the drab colours of the landscape which is mainly desert in this area of India (over near the border with Pakistan). The people were very friendly but also very curious and loved to talk "cricket" which is like a religion for them. I'm back to working nights again tonight but will share more photos very soon. We had a fabulous time but it's always good to be home again. Now I need to get organized for Christmas.
 Thanks for stopping by.
Hugs, Jan Mac

1 comment:

  1. What fabulous photos Jan.. thanks for sharing them with us.. I have enjoyed seeing them all.
    Balloon trips are awesome. the views are just great from up high.
