Sunday, September 29, 2013

Super Sunday Quilting.

 I'm still on a quilting blitz here with another four quilt tops being quilted and bound today. That's 11 in the past 3 days and the pile of donation quilts is growing. I will be traveling again soon and also have more nights to work so I really want to get them done early for Christmas giving.
The first quilt is a lovely modern quilt and I love the fabric with words printed on the fabric.
 This is another donated top and quilted up nicely.
 These last two quilts were also donated and the pile of tops waiting to be quilted is starting to dwindle.
I need a break from quilting so plan to piece more blocks for the Broken Dishes quilt, tonight. I have been playing the TV series, The Gilmore Girls, while I quilt and it makes the time go quickly. I had promised DD2 that I would watch the series but never made the time until now. I don't hear all the dialogue but enough to enjoy the show about life in a small town. And now it's back to the sewing machine and hope to get another top finished soon as I have so many others I want to make.
 Hugs, Jan Mac

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