Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Slowly Progressing.

 Apart from working and family commitments I have been slowly working on the different sections for my Tribute to Mrs Williams quilt.I have pieced and hand appliqued the large sections for the centre block as well as hand piecing more China Plate blocks. I need to make 12 of these and I'm now reverse appliqueing the circles onto the background pieces.
 I've also been making more Square in a Square blocks and half of those done now so I am making progress but just not working the pieces in any particular order as determined by the pattern, instead I am working on the different pieces depending on whether or not I am doing some hand or machine stitching.
 I also finished off another crocheted blanket last night so that will be donated when I have some more things to donate. I'll start to set the different blocks together when I have a few more made and hopefully they will look good together.
Hugs, Jan Mac


  1. There's no tying you down, Jan! I wish I could be as productive as you, but I think I must have a lazy gene somewhere...
    Would you like any more wool? We've got a heap of it at the opshop at the moment.

  2. You never cease to amaze me, Jan! Hope you're feeling a lot better now xx

  3. Jan, I posted a 500g satchel to you today, packed full with balls of black 8 ply wool. I grabbed it at the opshop this morning...hope you can use all black?? We don't often get balls of wool all in one colour, they usually come in a mish mash of leftover balls!
