Sunday, May 19, 2013

Clearing Out the Scraps

 Before night shift on Friday I spent  most of the day sewing up the scraps that have been accumulating in various containers. I have almost made enough blocks to make another String X quilt top using Bonnie Hunter's Quiltville pattern. It's a great way to use up those shorter scraps and I am using up the leftovers which are too short for the string pieced QAYG blocks. As you can see I filled a wastepaper bin with the leftovers from the leftover scraps. lol.  I have been saving scraps and cutting them and then sorting by size as Bonnie Hunter recommends but I find that once they are in the containers I rarely use them and just work with what are current leftovers from whichever quilt I am finishing. The system isn't the problem but it obviously doesn't suit the way I work.
 I've enjoyed clearing out all the scraps and emptying the containers without trying to hand on the "special" scraps, although I have been putting triangles aside and really need to think about whether they should be saved for a pattern which uses up lots of triangles, or whether it would be better to use them up now and get them into scrappy quilts. The triangles work well with either the string pieced blocks or the String X blocks so they won't go to waste.
  It's good to get some more quilts finished to donate as well as restore some order to my sewing room. I'll need to think about the triangles as I don't want to start another pile of scraps that will sit unused for a while.
  I also received these beautiful QAYG blocks as well as a generous donation of money, from Colette Truscott of Perth in WA and these will be made into a quilt and donated ASAP before we leave on our travels again. Thanks Colette for your generous donations.
Hugs, Jan Mac


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