Sunday, February 17, 2013

My 60th Birthday Party

 It was my 60th birthday on the 7th of Feb and after pressure from the family I agreed to have a low-key lunch yesterday with family to celebrate. My lovely sister  and Stephanie, our youngest DD made all the arrangements and it was lovely to see everyone again. We have two new babies in the family since Christmas and I was so touched that they all made the effort to come to the party as I know everyone leads busy lives and new babies make for busy family schedules.
    We had a lot of fun and the new Mum's loved the quilts for their babies so it was very worthwhile getting them done in time to give them in person. My much loved Mum, ( who passed away 6 years ago) would have loved it as their were lots of laughs and plenty of talking. We are all getting together again in 3 weeks time to celebrate another engagement and then a wedding in April so there's lots more good times to come.
 Hugs, Jan Mac


  1. Welcome to the 60 club!!! Belated birthday wishes Jan, glad you had a lovely day with family, best present ever!!! Take care..Annette,

  2. Thanks Annette. I don't feel that old yet though.

  3. Congratulations on your 60th birthday, Jan. xx

  4. Happy Birthday for the 7th! It looks like a beautiful time

  5. Congratulations on being another of the 60s club, looks like you all had a lovely night. Oh and BTW, it's not "that old"!

  6. Happy belated have to celebrate the "0" milestones, then you can ignore the rest and still claim 21!

  7. Sorry to be so late with the birthday wishes, but congratulations anyway! Best wishes for the year ahead.

  8. Got your seniors card yet? Dh is 60 next Month and Jasmnine in May - 1953 was a good year!

  9. Thank you for your lovely best wishes for my birthday. Mary-anne, Ray has already sent away for my Seniors card lol.

  10. A very belated but sincere Happy Birthday Jan.
