Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Welcome to 2013

 There is an old saying that whatever you spend the first day of a new year doing will be what you spend time on for the rest of the year. I don;t know if it's true or not but I decided not to risk doing housework. Instead I finished the zig zag 9 patch top and quilted it as well as quilting the other top I'd finished a couple of days ago. I have also made up lots more random 9 patches as I just want to use them up and get them out of here. The scraps aren't very pretty so I used a bright fun dotty blue fabric to give them a lift. They made a large quilt and I'm still making 9 patches from the bin of squares I have pre-cut so many years ago and I should have enough to make another large quilt.
  I may get the third top quilted tomorrow but if not I'm very happy to have 2 quilts ready to donate and it's only the first day of the year. I was very happy to bust some stash with the backings too so although I didn't clean I did clean out some fabric.
 I hope you are all ready to face the challenges of 2103 and I hope and pray that you are all blessed with love and joy in abundance. I also wish we could abolish poverty and child neglect but if that can't happen yet I pray we can bring some joy and comfort to those in need. I plan to donate at least 100 quilts again this year so who also wants to join in with making the world a brighter and warmer place for those in need.
 Thank you to all those lovely people who left very kind comments and I hope to show some more finishes very soon.
Hugs, Jan Mac


  1. I like your philosopy!! I spent this morning cleaning our old paperwork of my late DH, but this afternoon was ME time, I am making a Rosalie Quilan bag called Nellies Bag (my mums name)out of left overs. Love the scrappy 9patch, I made it for a SIL who is a Nun and she loves it.....so maybe I am off to a good start...time will tell. Take care Annette

  2. Ooo, I hope not. Some of it - time with family - would be great but feeling sluggish from over-eating, lack of exercise and lack of sleep is not to be repeated!

  3. Thanks for that Jan, i started the working part of the day with mowing and i don't want to make that a focus for the rest of the year! Your blue scrappy quilt looks beautiful, you are a quilt fairy godmother you know.

  4. I started the year by cleaning up mess from vandalism at school! I home that isn't an omen....then I started to sew the Hearts given to me on my Dad's death. Finished the day by preparing a steak meal for my sons and their friends - all in all quite a satisfying day....

  5. I'm glad I was doing some sewing on New Years Day :) Love your finishes.

  6. Oh dear, I don't like that old saying. My MIL died on NY Eve, so New Year's Day was spent organising the details for the funeral....

  7. What a great plan Jan! We should all strive to make more quilts for the needy of all varieties this year. Thank you for all your work for the less fortunate.
