Friday, December 7, 2012

Finishing Strong

 I haven't made as many donation quilts as previous years as the need hasn't been as great luckily, with no major natural disasters. Instead I have been concentrating on getting some of my own quilts finished so the pile of WIPs and UFOs doesn't continue to grow. I have taken 8 days of classes this year which is more than usual too but as most of them were to learn new techniques I don't  have many  finished quilts as a result of the classes. Next year I've decided not to take classes and concentrate on what I love to do - hand applique, hand piecing and finishing off UFOs and donated bits and pieces to help the needy.
   The vintage stars quilt is finished although I still need to add a label, but this one is for me to enjoy. I bought the stars without background fabric so I hand appliqued them to a cream background fabric, They are from the 1930s to 1940s and I quilted the top using a hanging diamond cross hatch which was used at that time.
   I'm finishing the year strongly with more donation quilts being made as I made 2 yesterday before work and 2 more today. The fourth one just needs the binding applied before it is completely done. I'll post photos on my other blog and it's been great to get more QAYG blocks made from the scraps of other projects, often from trimming the backing after quilting, as I can use the batting string pieces as well as the fabric.
  I have my applique group meeting tomorrow and lots of night shifts to work next week but hope to get some more quilts finished and donated very soon. Thanks for all your help with donating QAYG blocks, tops, backing and fabric- every bit helps to warm someone's body and heart.
Hugs, Jan Mac

1 comment:

  1. I love the stars!

    I've tried to concentrate more over the last few years on my UFO's too. I have two more I want to finish for this year but we'll see if they get done as I'm traveling again in a week.

    I also cut down some on my donation quilting. It's still my major quilting goal but I don't want to burn out.
