Friday, November 9, 2012

Still Deconstructing and Secret Donation

 The mail man brought another lovely parcel of fabric for backing as well as more beautifully pressed and sorted strip pieces for more QAYG blocks. I can't thank the sender as there was no note or return address so I hope you are keeping an eye on the blog so that you know it arrived safely. These will be used up quickly as I want to get more quilts delivered/donated for Christmas.
 I've had a busy couple of days with family commitments but I have also managed to almost finish taking apart the Sawtooth Stars quilt. You can see the amount of thread I've removed and this is the second container of thread from this quilt. I also found a shredded piece of fabric in the centre with the petticoat and this is probably a used sheet. It has just fallen apart as I've removed it so this piece will go into the rubbish.
 Now I'm off to my local quilting group's weekend retreat. I'm still trying to decide what to work on and I should be appliqueing the borders for my Baltimore but I'm also tempted to remake the Sawtooth Star blocks now that I have almost pulled them all apart. I'll probably take a mix of projects to work on so I don't get bored and in case the lighting or seating isn't comfortable enough for using my sewing machine.
 The weather is lovely and sunny and I'm looking forward to some more stitching and chatting time.
Hope you all get some time to stitch too.
Hugs, Jan Mac

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