Wednesday, November 28, 2012

A Special Gift

 I am always surprised to know that someone is reading my blog and even more surprised that I have lovely readers who stop by regularly. I guess I don't think what I do is of much interest to anyone but me so it's always lovely to receive so many lovely comments on my blog.
Even more special is the number of very generous quilters from around the world who have continued to make and donate quilt tops, QAYG blocks and fabric, so that I can donate many more quilts to the needy. I show those quilts over on my other blog, at Oz Comfort Quilts, and you can see how generous my lovely quilting- blogging friends have been.
 Ann Birch is one of my lovely blog friends and she sent me a lovely surprise in the mail- a piece of pink fabric dated from the 1930s so that I can make more star blocks to add to my Sawtooth Stars blocks from that era. The fabric will be a perfect fit to go with the other blocks. Thank you so much Ann for your lovely gift and it will make several star blocks as they are only 5.5" in size.
  I also finished putting the embroidered quilt top back together again. It was a kit from the 1930s or 40s and as you can see from the third photo, it had been well used and the top was quite tatty. I have taken it apart and cut the blocks to a smaller size so that I could remove the worn pieces. I will most likely quilt this one using a simple crosshatch to prolong its life. I'm really pleased with how it has turned out and will get it quilted as soon as this next lot of paid work is done. I'm working nights again tonight for a few days so there will be a lot of sleeping done (I hope) and not a lot of stitching, or at least not as much as I would like. lol!
Thanks for your lovely gift Ann, and thank you all for stopping by again.
Hugs, Jan Mac

1 comment:

  1. That is indeed lovely!

    I read every post on both blogs, even if I don't leave a co,ment!
