Sunday, October 7, 2012

WIPs and UFOs

 I've been making very good progress with the Joseph's Coat with Buttons and have now completed 11 of the 30 blocks and now I'm thinking of changing the design and making a pieced border. My quilt differs to Chris Serong's as she chose a lovely yellow for the background and border fabric and I think there will be too much white to have that as a border so I think I'll change that with a narrower white border and frame it with a pieced border with the same1930s fabrics.
   I also finished off another QAYG quilt from donated quilts and then started work on another UFO which I found when I was looking for my stash of 1930s reproduction fabrics a week ago.  These are a set of vintage star blocks from the 1930s-40s and I purchased them from an antique dealer in the US, in the mid 1990s. They didn't come as finished blocks so I needle turned and hand appliqued them to a cream background fabric. I had started to join them together using a 1930s repro fabric but. I only had two rows of blocks joined so pulled them out today to finish the top.
 I have almost finished the top and will show photos tomorrow. Then I plan to machine quilt it in a style which was typical for that time. I have several vintage and antique tops and sets of blocks that I had purchased from the US in the 1990s and it's time to get them made into quilts so I can enjoy them.
I'm very happy to have made so much progress this week and hope to get more hand stitching done on between night shift this week. I hope you all enjoyed some stitching time too.
 Hugs, Jan Mac


  1. Love your Joseph's coat quilt - I've just started one but have a long way to go !

  2. I love your variety of projects, the antique stars are looking great, but really realy like your Joseph's Coat - very appealing colours.

  3. Love all your projects Jan. I have 2 vintage quilt tops from the US and a part finished one which also has the cut out pieces to finish it. But they are not doing much good as they are at the moment lol!

  4. I thought the same thing Maria. The tops I have are not of historic importance and will be much easier to preserve of they are quilted and I should enjoy them as quilts and not tops stuffed into a cupboard.
