Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Sewing on Buttons

 I had planned to stitch the needle turn applique for the borders of my Baltimore Album quilt but I just can't stop working on my Joseph's Coat with Buttons top. I have now joined a third of the top together and have enough blocks finished for another row. Progress seems to have been a bit slower this week as I have had to make and applique the yellow buttons where each petal intersects.
  I am very surprised at how quickly this top is growing and really just want to get it completely finished before I put it aside for something else and lose the momentum. Now I'm working on making more buttons to keep up with piecing all the rows and blocks together. It's been lovely to have a break from my paid work too.
Hugs, Jan Mac
PS I took away the visitor counter as it had reset itself again for no reason and wasn't worth persevering with when it was obviously inaccurate but please leave a comment so i know someone is reading lol!


  1. Reading Jan! your Joseph's quilt...keep going!

  2. It's so pretty, I don't think I could resist it either!

  3. Love this quilt,is it pieced or appliqued?

  4. I read your blog every time you post. Sometimes I just visit your blog to look at all the beautiful QAYG quilts you make and have made for others. Also the lovelies you make for yourself and family.
    Please blog on.

  5. I'm still here! Lovely to see you working on more quilts for yourself and family :-)

  6. Love visiting to see the great quilts you make -must keep up with my Joseph's coat!

  7. What a great quilt! I have a vintage one that was all hand pieced and quilted. it looks very hard, from the instructions I saw. Your progress is impressive.

  8. I love reading both your blogs. I love living vicariously through your quilting adventures while I'm nursing my baby at night.

  9. Thank you all for leaving such lovely comments. The whole quilt is hand pieced although I know other designs I have seen appliqued the petals to the background. Once you make your templates and then cut the fabric into strips, it's a very easy project to work on and a lovely change from sitting at the sewing machine. I found it went together quickly because I used odd moments to stitch when I wasn't near the sewing machine.
