Sunday, September 16, 2012

Family Celebrations

 It's a busy couple of weeks with work and travels for family celebrations so not as much stitching at the moment but as my brother said any time spent with family is well worth it. I met my beautiful great niece for the first time and her parents loved her quilt and sent a lovely photo of her using it. The Dad said his American grandmother was a quilter and he has some of her quilts and loves them so he was very happy to have a quilt for his new daughter.
  It was also a birthday celebration for one of my brothers and then we had a 21st celebration for one of my lovely nieces. Now I'm busy with work again but at least this two weeks is mainly daylight work so not quite as tiring. I have a day off tomorrow so hope to get some stitching done then. I hope you are all having a restful weekend.
Hugs, Jan Mac


  1. Love the Music Notes cake! Great job! Did someone in your family decorate it?
