Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Life in the Fast Lane

 I didn't intend to be absent for the week but life has been very busy here. I worked several night shifts and then spent almost a week in Melbourne. It was great to spend time with family and I was also very fortunate to attend a 2 day workshop with the lovely Michele Hill from Adelaide. Vic Quilters had arranged the workshop and I was so pleased to be able to attend as Michele is winding down with her teaching commitments and she is a lovely teacher and very generous with her knowledge. She has challenged me to finally enter a quilt in the Vic Quilter's Showcase as I have been quilting since 1978 and have never had a quilt hanging at a major show.
  She has given me 12 months and then extended it to 2 years so I plan to finally design and stitch a quilt for me. I'm excited to start and it will be hand appliqued so I will still be making and donating quilts to the various organizations but will also work one for me when I am unable to use the sewing machine.
 It was a lovely break but it's good to be home again. I received more lovely knitted beanies and the first photo show those made by J. Billington from Vic. The other photo shows the lovely beanies knitted by Ann Birch of Vic and they will all be very welcome as the weather continues to be cold here and it looks like we are in for a few days of rain as well.
  I did manage to quilt two more tops before I went away and they will appear on my other blog very soon. I hope you're all enjoying some time by the fire with your favourite projects if you;'re in the southern hemisphere. If you're on the other side of the world you're probably sipping a cool drink and trying to stay cool.
 Thanks for stopping by.
Hugs, Jan Mac

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