Thursday, June 21, 2012

The Great Ocean Road

I  had a break from paid work so we decided to take a trip along the Great Ocean Road along the Victorian coast to South Australia. We'd been planning this trip for 2 years but just didn't get time for it before now. We knew that the weather was going to be mostly wet but decided to travel anyway.
  It has been very wet and overcast but we have enjoyed our trip and all the new sights. We're staying a few nights at Victor Harbour in Sth Australia and they are getting more than a months worth of rain in a few days, but there was a short break in the rain today and hopefully there will be less continual rain over the weekend.
 Today has been the best time to use the internet but it's still too slow to load many photos so I'll have more to show in a few days when we return home. I have more night shifts to work then so I'm enjoying our break from routine.
 I hope you are all staying dry.
Hugs, Jan Mac


  1. hi Jan, the weather has reached us up here now, hope it has left you and it's sunny there again.

  2. What a stunning photo!! The weather looks to be cold too! Enjoy your break!!!

  3. The scenery along the Great Ocean road is spectacular whatever the weather, but the driving is less pleasant when it is cold and windy. Enjoy your break; hope to have my second Tartan quilt top in the mail by the time you are back. Just want you wanted to hear - more work!
