Thursday, April 26, 2012

Today's Comings and Goings

 Today another parcel arrived from Gina Wilson (Vic) and Gina has once again made and donated a beautiful quilt top. The batik fabric and colours of blue and brown are perfect for a make quilt and will be really appreciated as so many of us have pretties and floral fabrics that it's often hard to find one suitable for a male. I'll get this one quilted ASAP and donated to someone in need.
 I'm currently excavating the sewing room so I've been busy knitting while the weather has turned so cold. I finished off this scarf and sent off a box of 2 crocheted SB blankets, 2 polar fleece blankets, a cot sized quilt and some knitted items. They are on there way to Queensland to be donated at the Brisbane Homeless Connect day.
You may have noticed that I've added lots of blogs that I follow and I'm happy to add yours' if I have missed it. It makes it much easier for me to check the blogs I like to read by giving me a heads up when they have been updated. I hope you'll enjoy them too. They are a mixed lot of blogs and I'll add to it as I find blogs that interest and inspire me.
 I also need to get back to my Stars on Sunday and Cross Stitch Tuesday posts as I have let them slide since I returned from China. My lovely friend, Julie, reminded me that I haven't updated these projects for ages so I'll have to address this very soon and I also have some more photos of China to share.
In the meantime I'm knitting and crocheting more items to donate and will have more to show very soon.
Hugs, Jan Mac

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