Friday, April 20, 2012

Australasian Quilt Convention 2012

I'm finally home again after spending 10 days in Melbourne for the AQC. (AQC only lasts for 4 and 1/2 days but I was very lucky to stay on and visit with family and friends). It was a great chance to see beautiful quilts, take classes, buy more supplies and catch up with quilting friends.
I didn't take as many photos of the quilts as usual but I did include a few that caught my eye. My favourite was Michelle Hill's winning quilt from the Sth Australian Quilt Show. It was beautifully appliqued and quilted and had some fabulous embellishments which enhanced the design. Michelle specializes in her designs based on the work of William Morris and they are intricate and beautifully executed.
A lovely surprise when I returned home was that my roses were blooming and my favourite red rose was rewarding me for the hard work of pruning it last year. The rose bushes which we'd transplanted from my lovely Mum's garden have also started new growth on two so I'm hopeful that they will survive. Mum and I both love roses and I used to buy the bushes for her garden so I'm very grateful to have them here in her memory.
More about the AQC classes soon. I was going to post on my blog about AQC and my dressmaking before I went to Melbourne but the internet was so slow that I was unable to load any photos so I'll add to them now.
Hugs, Jan Mac


  1. Hi Jan,
    I am sorry I didn't get to the AQC after all; I would have loved to meet up with you. Hopefully there will be other opportunities. Glad you had a good time, and I look forward to reading about the classes. I have just finished my first quilt top for you (photo on my blog) and will post it to you next week.

  2. It would have been lovely to meet up with you too Gina. I was in classes for most of the days so a meeting would have been a bit tricky. Maybe next time though.
    Hugs, Jan Mac
