Monday, December 12, 2011

Stars on Sunday Part 7

A little late but I did manage to work on some more stars for this quilt as well as stitching more to the top. I've now stitched 47 stars to the top and the pile of star pieces has decreased a lot. I need to make a decision about how to finish the edges and whether or not to make half stars to fill in the gaps on the sides.
It's been good to stay focused on just one project for a while and to get it finished.
I hope you're all ready for Christmas now. I still have a few gifts to buy and of course a lot of cooking to do. I always look forward to spending time with family and friends and it's a lovely time of year to count our blessings.
Hugs, Jan Mac


  1. I just got my paper-pieces diamons in the mail. Like I need another project on top of my GFG with hexies.

    Yours are looking lovely!

  2. You are doing so well. I personally think that the white touching the edge would be nicer than half stars. What are you using for your edging? Cherrie

  3. Looking great Jan, well done with persevering with this! I tend to agree with your previous commenter, white would frame it nicely then maybe 20"-25"lengths of different fabrics used in the stars for the binding! Just a thought!
