Sunday, December 4, 2011

Stars on Sunday Part 6

I'm back into routine or at least a somewhat altered routine and have been working on my stars again this week. I now have 40 stars joined together and have less than 10 to stitch to finish the quilt.
Then I need to stitch half stars and add borders but the end is almost in sight. I was going to use the signature blocks for the backing but it will be much too large so I'll probably make another quilt from those.
Tonight I plan on doing some cross stitch too and will show that progress on Tuesday.
Thanks for stopping by.
PS Also just wondering if you think it is good to have lots of blogs listed on blog sights so it's easy to cross from one to another or do you prefer to have a less cluttered blog to read?
Hugs, Jan Mac


  1. Almost there. I love to look at other people's blog choices from time to time. A lot of info in the side columns does not disturb me so long as it is reasonably neatly placed and the writing is smaller than in the main blog. That way the sidebars don't interfere with the main focus of the blog which hopefully is the posts. Cherrie

  2. The stars are beautiful, so colourful and 3 dimensional.
    I have a list of favourite blogs on my side column, i find it makes it easy to go visiting that way and to find other interesting ones on other's blog pages. Say hi to the DN for me.
    Are you getting all this wind down there? it's a strong SE'ly here, at 10pm too.

  3. The stars are looking really good.

    Hope all is going well with the new "house member".

  4. Your star quilt is looking very imnpressive Jan! You're doing well with it! I don't mind having a list of blogs down the side bar, I often find another interesting one, it's always fun to see who other people are following!

  5. Go girl. I remain in awe of your unconditional love and keep you in my thoughts and prayers as you give a troubled teenager a different view of life. You been around a bit since I last looked at your blog and your reasoning to tackle the UFO has hit a chord in the motivational part of my brain. Love as ever from Auckland NZ
