Sunday, October 9, 2011

Stars on Sunday

I'm not sure why but I've been feeling compelled to finish off some of my UFOs and I'm not going to fight the feeling. Instead I've chosen one cross stitch piece (and I'll post photos of my progress every Tuesday) and I have also chosen one patchwork piece to finish. Of course I'll still be making quilts to donate but the family are also looking forward to seeing some finished quilts for them.
I attended an Aussie quilting retreat about 5 years ago and we swapped 6.5" fabric with a theme of Oriental, as well as a signature square also measuring 6.5". As I swapped with about 123 people I had many squares to use up. I foolishly decided to make the oriental fabric into stars and with careful cutting I managed to get 3 pieces out of each 6.5" square. I'm setting them with a plain diamond between each star.
This project stalled as I haven't worked on them consistently after starting them this time last year. Then I thought I'd lost the constratsing background fabric so was worried about joining the stars in case I had to use a mixture of other cream fabrics for the background. Luckily I found the fabric while cleaning up my sewing room and rather than lose it again I thought it would be a good idea to get them finished.
I took the first photo on Friday and had joined 8 stars together and today I have joined 13 so far. I think there will be about 62 stars when it's finished and of course I have to make the stars as well but it's a start.
I'm going to commit to showing my progress every Sunday and hope that will keep me focused on finishing a UFO for me. I didn't consider how the fabric varied so much in each square and although each of the 3 star pieces are cut from one piece of fabric, they do look different in some of the stars. Hopefully it will look better when more is done.
Back soon,
Hugs Jan Mac


  1. It's lovely Jan - I look forward to watching your progress.

  2. Jan it looks fabulous now, those stars really pop. I like your idea of finishing a UFO for you, i've just finished my mitred cross wrap for me (started in may!).

  3. Good for you, Jan! You do so much for other people, it's about time your very patient family got something from you just for them! Love this pattern of diamonds...I might have a go one day. I would like to do something in hexagons first though, as I've already made a few of them, and they are just sitting in a jar looking pretty at the moment :-)

  4. Goodon you. A star quilt has a wonderful homey feel and I think it is important to make the odd thing for oneself as well. Can't wait to see how many stars are joined by next Sunday! Cherrie

  5. well done Jan. I am making Chinese lanterns with my fabric from that wap. It is all put away neatly somewhere in my sewing room!!! Must dig it out and get onto it. Mayne I will issue a challenge for swappers to finish their Bendigo siggies before the next retreat there in 2013!

  6. They look beautiful Jan!! This will be a gorgeous quilt when completed!!!

  7. That's beautiful! The colours just 'glow'.
