Sunday, October 23, 2011

Stars on Sunday Part 3

I've found that by committing to writing about working on my UFOs and posting about it once a week I am actually able to focus on getting them finished. Otherwise I get distracted by working on donation quilts first. I am still working on them but I'm also making time to work on finishing some of my projects and I'm really happy with my progress.
The first photo shows the star quilt top from last Sunday when I had attached 25 stars for the top. I also spent more time making star sets this week and the final photo shows that I now have 32 stars in place.
I must be almost half way now I think and the hardest part is trying to balance out the different colours. It probably won't matter in the long term as red shades seem to be predominant and I have red fabric for the border.
It's good to be able to see that I will be up to attaching a border in a few month's time.
I've also finished off more donation quilts shown on my other blog so the week finished more productively than it started. Yesterday I was going to attend the country meeting of my Vic Quilter's Guild but it was going to be a 5 1/2 hour drive so at the last moment I decided to stay home and use my time more usefully. Maybe I'll make it to a meeting when it is closer to me.
Back to sew some more stars as it is still Sunday here.
Hugs, Jan Mac


  1. It's looking great. I am enjoying the play between strongly coloured stars and the more patterned ones. I always find this fascinating and wonder how the randomness comes about. I guess your way of adding stars a few at a time helps keep the interest going and stops the quilt becoming too planned. Cherrie

  2. It's exciting to watch your 'stars project' grow!

  3. Your stars are looking beautiful Jan!!! Better to spend those hours in the sewing room than on the road!!!!!

  4. Oh Wow! this is going to be a fabulous quilt!

  5. The stars are looking great. It can be difficult to maintain momentum when a project is that involved, but I am sure it will be worth it in the end.

  6. Hi Jan, your stars look reaaly neat! I am doing a similar quilt but with kaffe facett fabrics. I have stopped for a while but will get back into it soon. Have you looked at the flickr group? very inspiring!! have a look when you have time sue!n.z.
