Sunday, October 16, 2011

Stars on Sunday Part 2

It's time to report on my progress again on the UFO I've chosen to finish. Last Sunday I had 13 stars stitched together and today when I stopped for a photo I was surprised to find that I'd stitched 25 stars together.
I've also been making extra cream diamonds to join the stars as well as making more stars to add to the top.
I'm very happy with my progress and even our visiting little kitten gave them a Cat Scan of approval.
What is it about cats that if you put a quilt or quilt top on the floor to take a photo, they always go over to lie on it?
Spending more of my time cross stitching or hand stitching as cut into my knitting time but as the weather is rapidly warming here, the hats and warm garments won;t be needed for some time now and it's good to get some of my UFOs finished.
DH has been asking if I've started on a fabulous new quilt pattern that I bought recently but as I have an unexplained desire to finish off some projects I want to get these out of the way before I start a new one. Of course that feeling may change but at the moment I'm sticking to finishing off UFOs. I have another hand applique piece that I need to finish off too so that may join the current rotation of UFOs to work on.
Have a great week.
Hugs, Jan Mac


  1. That's great! Almost half way there. Cherrie

  2. Lol! Jan my cat does that when I lay out knitting projects ready for photographing. It can be extremely satisfying to get UFOs completed so you'll get that 'boost'! lol
    I love your 'stars' :-)

  3. your stars look lovely, thanks for showing us. visiting kitten lying there makes the piece look like a map of Aus, and kitten is lying in the Bight.

  4. I love your diamond stars. Its so rewarding to work on those UFOs and then to start a new project guilt free!

  5. I love how this changes (to my eyes) with every stage you are at

  6. It's looking fabulous Jan, I love it!!! Well done on your dedication and not being too distracted by new projects LOL!!!
