Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Cross Stitch Tuesday

Well so far the plan for finishing off UFOs is working as I've been able to focus on finishing just one cross stitch UFO at a time. I started 2 weeks ago and the first photo shows how much had been done before I put it away in the cupboard, many years ago.
The first week I managed to finish the letters E and J (shown in the 2nd photo) and I expected that it would take me a couple more months to finish as I had 12 letters to stitch and I thought 1 or 2 a week would be good progress.
I was very surprised to find that I've stitched letters O, P, T, U and I've started the letter X in the last week. I'm very pleased with my progress and I'm reminding myself to stay focused and get it finished.
I know some people find working on projects by using a rotation method works for them but I think that this time just working on one at a time is helping me to finish a UFO. I get enough variety by working on donation quilts during the week as well. Whatever the reason I'm happy to have been able to get this much done so quickly and I can certainly see the end is in sight. I'm now thinking of which cross stitch project I'll work on next but I'm determined to finish this one first.
Thanks for helping me to stay focused and accountable on the blog.
Hugs, Jan Mac


  1. Way to go Jan! I have lots of xs UFO's......and I think you are right..sometimes you've just got to plod away at ONE!

  2. Wow, it looks great! You are proceeding quickly, and it is well worth finishing.
