Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Salzburg and The Sound of Music

We have really enjoyed our two days in Salzburg as we managed to get some culture as well as find a laundromat and finish our washing.

Yesterday we visited Mozart's home which is now a museum and we really enjoyed seeing all the historical displays.
We also enjoyed some typical Austrian food such as schnitzels and Salzburger Nockerl, which is a special souffle served with cranberry sauce and delicious.
Today we took the Sound of Music tour and enjoyed seeing where the various scenes were filmed as well as hearing stories about the making of the film. The tour guide was very good and we sang along to the CD of the film score while we drove through the countryside. It was a good way to see more of the surrounding countryside too.
Tomorrow we are off to Vienna and a Mozart concert so we are having a variety of experiences on our trip. We enjoyed the smaller city of Salzburg and we were surprised to hear that there is only a population of 148,000. Most of their industry comes from tourism and of course the Sound of Music plays a big part in that.
The weather has been a bit cooler for the last two days so we're enjoying a change from the excessive heat of Italy too. I can't believ that the trip has gone so quickly and we will be home in about 10 days time but we have a lot more to do before then.
Hugs, Jan Mac


  1. "High on hill....." Loved reading this post Jan. I have booked us on the Sound of Music tour also, much to DH's disgust. Can't see him singing on the bus. Loving all your photos. Happy travels.

  2. Lovely to see all your photos! Our tour only got to stand outside Mozart's place but it sounds like we missed out by not having a chance to go inside! I bought some lovely souvenirs in a shop nearby, including a miniature violin and case for a young nephew! :-)

  3. Continuing to enjoy your photos and commentary. I've never been to Europe, but you are making it come alive on my computer ;-)

  4. I've been to Austria but our tour didn't go to Salzburg - thanks for showing me what I will see for myself one day!

  5. Oh Jan I've just uploaded a VERY similar photo of myself outside that rotunda/pegola on my blog :)
