Sunday, August 7, 2011

Comings and Goings Again

I posted off another two large boxes of quilts on Friday and these were the remainder of the quilts for the kids' camp as well as some extras for other organizations which help the needy. There were 14 quilts, some fleecy blankets, knitted jumpers, beanies and toys.
I also received two more boxes of fabric this week. The first one was from Jen and Yvette in Maitland (NSW) and the second was from Helen Wiltshire (NSW).
It's been a busy week with family staying during the week and our youngest DD coming home for the weekend and another 3 skirts being made. I was also visited by a lovely lady who brought quilts down from Canberra and they will be shown on my other blog.
I've also managed to pick up a chest infection too so I'm not talking when possible and trying to rest my throat. I forgot to say that I also managed to finish another hat and scarf set and the colder weather has made it a pleasure to be inside knitting.
Hopefully it will go very soon as I have a busy week planned this week.
More to come, Jan Mac

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