Monday, June 6, 2011

More Wonderful Donations

The postman has been busy here again and I've received more wonderful donations from around the world. Ulla Rantakari from Finland has again sent 35 beautiful QAYG blocks as well as some beautifully soft hand knitted socks and beanies. Margarte Maguire (SA) sent 15 QAYG blocks and included some without floral fabrics for the men. Delys Rogers (WA) has been very busy knitting again and has sent 8 lovely beanies and a soft, warm scarf. Sophia Frankan (Vic) has been busy knitting again and has sent another 4 lovely beanies and Ann Birch (Vic) has also kept busy and sent another 6 lovely beanies. A friend of Terry Patterson (NSW) has very generously donated 5 fabulous large quilt tops as well as backings for them and they will be quilted ASAP and then sent off to where they are needed. I also received another 13 QAYG blocks from Edwina Hempstalk from New Zealand and these will make more beautiful quilts.
I sent off another 9 quilts last Friday, along with scarves, beanies and a couple of children's sweaters I'd knitted. These have gone to Janice of Needy Stitches and will be given to the homeless in Melbourne. I forgot to take photos of the children's sweaters but it was good to get them sewn up and out of here to make more room.
I hope that I didn't offend or worry you when I asked for finished items at the moment. I can always use QAYG blocks but have been a bit submerged by fabric scraps and need to get more blocks made into quilts so I'll have more room for donations very soon.
I spent two days sorting through the donations and putting things into order, and then over the weekend I was teaching our youngest DD to sew and we made 4 A-line skirts on Saturday. On Sunday we sewed on the borders of a quilt she was making and then I quilted and bound it and showed her how to hand stitch the binding down.
It was a busy weekend but very enjoyable to be able to pass on my sewing skills. I've been hearing about so many organizations asking for warm items for the homeless and flood affected people that the rest of the week will be about finishing off more quilts and sending them off where needed.
Hugs, Jan Mac

1 comment:

  1. Holy Cow you have been busy! Love the little knitted hats - sweet!
