Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Sub- Contracting

I'm so lucky to have so many generous people who make and donate QAYG blocks, quilts, quilt tops and also hand knitted items. They all help to support those who are less fortunate in our communities as well as those who have been affected by our recent natural disasters.
I received another 8 beanies from Jenni S. and Sophia F. (Vic) and they are very kindly knitting up a lot of the donated wool for the homeless. I also received another large bag of wool from Kaite Matilda and her friend from NSW and it will soon be knitted or crocheted into squares for blankets and then donated.
I also received a lovely parcel of 12 QAYG blocks and fabric for binding from Lynn White (WA) and all of these donations make it so much easier to donate more items.
I regard all these helpers as sub-contractors who make it possible to make use of all the donations as quickly as possible. There's no point in having quilts, or fabric and knitting yarn in the cupboard when it could be used for keeping someone warm. I even use left-over tapestry yarn to crochet into squares for blankets and the smallest amount is still useful. I also combine thinner yarns and unravelled wool for crocheting into blankets and as the weather is becoming colder, they will be especially welcomed by the homeless.
Thank you all for you help.
Hugs, Jan Mac


  1. hi Jan, i'm pleased to see the wool has arrived so soon. sorry i can't be more help at the moment but at least i can scrounge and pass it on.

  2. Jan, just a thought, i think i remember you had a beanie pattern some time back? if so, maybe you could post it up again? k.

  3. What a lovely attitude! Cherrie
